Terra Antyda Sani Cha-Cha "Milky"
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(Trialer Rossmix No Regrets x Est JCH Springisland Pocahontas)
"Milky" - Pán Péter lányban / Peter Pan as girl
Milky...mit is mondhatnék. Ha létezik tökéletes kutya, Ő az! Kalandos előélete után nálunk megnyugodhatott, hiszen megígértem neki. Gyors, pontos, fáradhatatlan munkakedvvel. Nem kölyök már, mégis úgy érzem, Ő az a kutya, aki soha, de soha nem nő fel. Vidám, életerős. Nagypapája és édesapja nyomdokain haladva remek munkakutya. /
Milky..what can I tell about her. If be perfect dog, she is! After her advetures past, in our home she can be calm, because I promised it to her.She's fast, precise with tireless work enthusiasm. She isn't puppy, but I feel it, she's the dog, who never grow up. Cheerful, peppy. After her gradfather and father, she became good working dog too.
Hungária Junior Champion
Baby BIS
MKSZ Derby győztes 2005./ MKSZ Derby Winner in 2005.
2005. 3. legeredményesebb retriever szukája/ The 3. top retriever bitch in 2005.
Szűrések/ x-rays: HD-B, ED-0
Munka /Working: International Working Trial
Milky's parents
Milky is 4,5 years old with summer coat.
Milky in the field working. Milky as therapy dog.
Her progenies:
Not Wait -litter 2007.09.30.( x Cyclepassion from Mariannehouse)
Purple - litter 2008.11.01.( x Cyclpassion from Mariannehouse)
Silent-litter 2009.06.30.( x Cyclepasion from Mariannehouse)
Not wait but pretty (female) She lives in Budapest.
Not Wait but Hard Working (male)